BPSC 67th CCE Prelims Provisional Answer will be released once the exam is conducted. BPSC Answer Key is released only for the preliminary exam as the main exam is a subjective-type exam. Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) held the 67th BPSC 2022 Prelims exam on May 8, 2022, at each of the designated exam centers throughout Bihar. The 67th BPSC Preliminary exam was conducted in a single shift (Paper-1). The BPSC Answer key is released for four series, i.e. Set A, B, C, and D. The candidate should download the BPSC 67th CCE Answer Key as it contains the correct answer for every question asked in the examination. Candidates who took part in the 67th BPSC test and are searching for the 67th BPSC solution key 2022 must carefully read this post.
BPSC 67th Exam 2022 Answer Key. Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has Conducted the BPSC 67th CCE (Combined Competitive Examination) Prelims Re-Exam 2022 held on 30 September 2022. This (67th BPSC CCE Prelims Re-Exam 2022) Question Paper is available here with Answer Key.
परीक्षा (Exam) – 67th BPSC Pre Re-Exam 2022
विषय (Subject) – सामान्य अध्ययन (General Studies)
कुल प्रश्न (Number Of Questions) – 150
पेपर सेट (Paper Set) – D
परीक्षा दिवस (Date of Exam) – 30 September, 2022
Bihar PCS 67th Combined Competitive Prelims Re-Exam 2022 (Answer Key) | BPSC 67 Answer Key 2022

BPSC 67th Prelims Exam Answer Key 30 September 2022
Q1. Who established trade relations with the Roman empire?
(A) Cheras
(B) Western Shakas
(C) Vakatakas
(D) Kushanas
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q2. The Muslim ruler whose empire was regarded as a part of Dar-ul-Islam was
(A) Razia
(B) Iltutmish
(C) Nasir-ud-Din
(D) Balban
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q3. Who among the following opposed the power of the Khalifa?
(A) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
(C) Balban
(D) Iltutmish
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q4. Tughril Khan raised a standard of revolt during whose reign?
(A) Alauddin Khalji
(B) Feroz Tughluq
(C) Khizr Khan
(D) Balban
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q5. Who was the first Mughal ruler who fought against the British?
(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Shah Jahan
(C) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(D) Jahangir
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q6. Which of the following were the social reforms introduced by William Bentinck?
- Abolition of Sati
- Abolition of slavery
- Removal of disabilities due to change of religion
- Suppression of the organized bands of Thugs.
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below.
(A) 1, 3 and 4 only
(B) 1, 2 and 4 only
(C) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 2 only
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q7. Sindh was conquered and annexed by
(A) Sleeman
(B) Napier
(C) Lawrence
(D) Wellington
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q8. In which year, the first Census was introduced in India?
(A) 1901
(B) 1911
(C) 1921
(D) 1872
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q9. On which date, Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh and Rajguru were hanged?
(A) 23rd March, 1931.
(B) 7th September, 1931
(C) 4th March, 1931
(D) 12th November, 1930
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q10. Who was the third Satyagrahi of Individual Satyagraha launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1940?
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru
(B) Rajendra Prasad
(C) Brahma Dutt
(D) Vinoba Bhave
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q11. Who launched secret radio during the Quit India Movement?
(A) Subhadra Kumari Chauhan
(B) Sucheta Kripalani
(C) Annie Besant
(D) Usha Mehta
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q12. Who was the Physician of Magadh ruler Bimbisara?
(A) Vijayasena
(B) Jeevaka
(C) Manu
(D) Shilabhadra
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q13. Who was the real founder of Turk rule in Bihar?
(A) Ibn Bakhtiyar Khilji
(B) Ibrahim
(C) Dariya Khan Noohani
(D) Malik Husamuddin
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q14. Who was the first Indian Governor
(A) Dr. Shri Krishna Singhn
(B) Brij Kishor Prasad
(C) B. P. Mandal
(D) Satyendra Prasanna Sinha
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q15. Who were the leaders of Santhal Revolt?
(A) Sidhu and Kanhu
(B) Gaurakshni Bhagat and Keshav Chandra Roy
(C) Shambhunath Pal and Korra Mallaya
(D) Jara Bhagat and Balaram Bhagat
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q16. In which year the Chauri Revolt of Bihar took place?
(A) 1842
(B) 1798
(C) 1784
(D) 1832
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q17. In which year was Orissa separated fromBihar?
(A) 1936
(B) 1956
(C) 2000
(D) 1912
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q18. Wherewas thefirstBuddhistCouncilconvened?
(A) Rajagiriha
(B) Amaravati
(C) Kanganhalli
(D) Pataliputra
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q19. Which Gupta ruler assumed the throne after killing his elder brother?
(A) Samudragupta
(B) Chandragupta II
(C) Skandagupta
(D) Shri Gupta
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Q20.Who laid the foundation of Vardhana dynasty?
(A) Rajyavardhana
(B) Adityavardhan
(C) Prabhakara Vardhana
(D) Pushyabhuti
(E) None of the above/More than one of the above
Sir mai aapse contact krna chahta hun please help me mere 4 question aapke according sahi hen jo bpsc ne wrong diye hen