MPPSC PCS Prelims Answer Key 19 June 2022 (Paper 1) English

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MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 19 June 2022 – Paper 1 (Answer Key) English: MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 19 June 2022 (Paper 1 – General Studies) shift 1 Answer Key. MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 2022 held in Madhya Pradesh state on 19/06/2022 with answer key available. MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 2022 first shift (morning shift) exam paper with answer key.

Exam Paper:- MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 2022
Paper:- Paper 1 (General Studies)
Exam Organiser:- MPPSC (Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission)
Exam Date:- 19/06/2022
Exam Time:- 10 AM to 12 PM (Shift 1)
Total Question:- 100
PDF Download – Click Here

MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 19 June 2022 (Shift 1)
(Paper 1 – General Studies)

MPPSC PCS Prelims Answer Key 19 June 2022 Paper 1
MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 19 June 2022 (Paper 1) in HindiClick Here
MPPSC PCS Prelims Exam 19 June 2022 (Paper 2) in HindiClick Here

Q1. Match List – I with List – Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List -I List – II
(Tributaries) (Rivers)
a. Betwa I. Chambal
b. Kshipra II. Yamuna
c. Vainganga III. Narmada
d. Tawa IV. Godavari
a b c d

Q2. Which one of the following sentence is not correct regarding the climate of Madhya Pradesh ?
(A) Climate of Madhya Pradesh is influenced by the tropic of cancer that in middle of the state.
(B) Gwalior is an example of sub-tropical climate with hot summer.
(C) Madhya Pradesh receive rainfall from Arabian Sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch both.
(D) Approximate 50 percent rainfall of the state by south-west Monsoon.

Q3. In which district of Madhya Pradesh, the tropic of cancer does not passes through?
(A) Vidisha
(B) Bhopal
(C) Ujjain
(D) Indore

Q4. Which of the following rock contains coal and petroleum?
(A) Granite
(B) Igneous
(C) Metamorphic
(D) Sedimentary

Q5. In which region of Madhya Pradesh, the black soils are not found?
(A) Malwa Plateau
(B) Narmada Valley
(C) Baghelkhand
(D) Satpura range

Q6. Corbett Tiger Reserve is located in which Indian State?
(A) Rajasthan
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttarakhand
(D) West Bengal

Q7. When World Health Organization (WHO) was established ?
(A) 5 May, 1951
(B) 10 June, 1950
(C) 7 April 1948
(D) 10 July, 1949

Q8. What is the full name of ISRO?
(A) International Space Research Organisation
(B) Indian Society Research Organisation
(C) Iranian Space Research Organisation
(D) Indian Space Research Organisation

Q9. Which Indian State has recently radio tagged an Indian Pangolin on the occasion of World Pangolin Day?
(A) Kerala
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Uttarakhand
(D) Bihar

Q10. Phosphate test is used for the analysis of ?
(A) Milk
(B) Tea
(C) Water
(D) All of the above

Q11. Where is Sargasso Sea situated?
(A) North Atlantic Ocean
(B) South Atlantic Ocean
(C) Indian Ocean
(D) North Pacific Ocean

Q12. Which one of the following waterways has more economic and strategic significance?
(A) Palk Strait
(B) Malacca Strait
(C) Suez Canal
(D) Panama Canal

Q13. Among the following, which one is not a young folded mountain?
(A) Sierra Nevada
(B) Rocky
(C) Himalaya
(D) Alps

Q14. Which of the two countries is divided by ‘McMohan Line’?
(A) India and China
(B) China and Afghanistan
(C) Pakistan and India
(D) Pakistan and Afghanistan

Q15. ‘Truck farming’ is associated with __?
(A) Vegetables
(B) Milk
(C) Cereals
(D) Poultry

Q16.United Nation has declared the year 2023 as?
(A) The International Years of Millets
(B) The International Year of Wheat
(C) The International Year of Rice
(D) The International Year of Oil-Seeds

Q17.On which date Vimukta Jati (Denotified Tribe) Day is celebrated in Madhya Pradesh?
(A) 31 August
(B) 15 July
(C) 15 September
(D) 21 March

Q18.Shri Ram Sahay Pandey is associated to which folk dance art?
(A) Rai
(B) Beehu
(C) Lawani
(D) Nautanki

Q19.Smt. Durga Bai Vyam is associated with the tribal art?
(A) Gond Tradition
(B) Bhil Tradition
(C) Baiga Tradition
(D) Saharia Tradition

Q20. Match the column. District Tentative Product

  1. Balaghat a. Split Pigeon Pea (Tuar) and jaggery
  2. Betul b. Chilly and Chilly Product
  3. Khargone c. Teakwood (Sagon)
  4. Narsinghpur d. Kodo kutki
    1 2 3 4
    (A) a b c d
    (B) b a d C
    (C) d b c a
    (D) d c b a

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