SBI PO Exam Analysis 1 Nov 2023 All Shift | SBI PO Answer Key 2023

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SBI PO Exam Analysis 1 Nov 2023: The State Bank of India has scheduled its Prelims exam dates for 1, 4, and 6 November 2023. Today, the SBI PO Exam 2023 has completed its 1st Shift on November 1. A wide range of candidates have participated in the exam and tried their best to excel. Now, students are willing to get a detailed SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1, conducted on November 1. So, it is necessary for the candidates who will be appearing for the exam in the next shifts to go through an in-depth analysis of the SBI PO exam 2023. It will be advantageous for them. In this article, we have given a complete SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1, November 1. Our team has tried to cover all the important aspects of the exam through this analysis.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 1 Nov 2023

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1

As per the SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1 conducted on November 1, the level of the paper was moderate for the candidates. This detailed analysis can be an important resource for the students who will be appearing for the exam in the upcoming shifts. In this SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1, prepared by our experts after a thorough review of the paper. Candidates can check the difficulty level of the paper, along with the good attempts and section-wise analysis.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1: Difficulty Level

According to the feedback we have received from the candidates, the difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam 2023 Shift 1 was moderate. Students were able to attempt most of the questions, and out of them, some portions were tough. In this section, we have mentioned the difficulty level of the SBI PO Exam 2023 Shift 1 as per the paper’s sections. Go through this table mentioned in our SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1 conducted on 1 November.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
English LanguageModerate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 1 Nov 2023, Shift 1: Good Attempts

Candidates who have attempted the 1st shift of SBI PO Exam 2023 on 1 November must be curious to understand the level of good attempts. Through good attempts, candidates can easily analyze their performance. In our SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1, we have presented a table in which all the levels of good attempts have been listed as per the sections.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts
SectionGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability24-26
Quantitative Aptitude20-22
English Language19-21

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1, 1 November 2023: Section-Wise Analysis

A total number of 3 sections are in the SBI PO Exam 2023 Prelims, and they are Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. There will be a total number of 100 questions, and the sections have been divided with particular markings accordingly. In this SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 Shift 1, 1 November, we have given a detailed section-wise analysis of the paper. You can go through the major topics that have been covered in the first shift of the SBI PO Exam 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1: Reasoning Ability

As per the candidates’ review, the level of the Reasoning Ability section was moderate to solve. A total time duration of 20 minutes was allotted to the students to solve this section. Here, we have provided the SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1 for the Reasoning section.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November- Shift 1: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Circular Seating Arrangement (With Variable)5
Linear Seating Arrangement5
Month Based Puzzle (With Variable)5
Floor-Based Puzzle- 10 Floors5
Order and Sequence Puzzle3
Blood Relation3
Pair Formation- Bonafied1
Meaningful Word1

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1: Quantitative Aptitude

In the first shift of the SBI PO Exam 2023, the level of the Quant section was moderate. Some of the questions were a bit tricky to crack within the given time frame of 20 minutes. For your reference, we have listed out the major topics covered in the SBI PO Exam 2023 Shift 1, held on 1 November.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November- Shift 1: Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Missing Number Series5
Quadratic Equation5
Caselet DI4
Tabular Data Interpretation5
Line + Tabular Graph Data Interpretation6

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1: English Language

Most of the candidates have claimed that the English Language section was easy for them in the SBI PO Exam 2023, Shift 1, held on 1 November. A lot of topics have been covered in this section. In our SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, Shift 1, we have mentioned all the topics of the English Language section in a detailed manner.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November- Shift 1: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension- Pink Tax9
Error Detection4
Para Jumble4
Word Usage(State)1
Cloze Test4
Word Swap3
Column Based2
Single Fillers3

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

Here, we have given the detailed SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023.

SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2023
S.No.Name of Tests (Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language303020 minutes
2Quantitative Aptitude353520 minutes
3Reasoning Ability353520 minutes
Total1001001 hour

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 2: Difficulty Level

As per the candidates who appeared in the second shift of the SBI PO Prelims on 1 November 2023 the overall examination’s difficulty level was Moderate. Here’s a breakdown of the section-wise difficulty levels for the 2nd shift, based on the SBI PO Prelims Exam Analysis 2023, as presented in the table below.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
English LanguageModerate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 2: Good Attempts

The number of good attempts often makes candidates anxious, as the overall performance of candidates is based on the number of attempts, they make. The number of attempts is based on a number of factors like – difficulty level. nature of questions and accuracy of candidates. Here we have given an approximate number of good attempts.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts
SectionGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability23-26
Quantitative Aptitude21-22
English Language20-22
Overall64 – 66

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 2: Sectional Analysis

As we know the SBI PO Prelims exam has three sections – Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. We have covered each section in a comprehensive way so that the candidates have some idea about each section and the nature of the questions asked. The question asked in this section also makes candidates who are yet to appear anxious. Here is the sectional analysis of SBI PO 2023 as asked in the 2nd Shift of 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

In the English Language section of the SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift, there were a total of 30 questions. Generally, the candidates found this section as Moderate. To give you a better understanding, we’ve compiled a table below listing some of the questions that were asked in today’s SBI PO Prelims 2nd Shift.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension- Homeless Research10
Error Detection5
Word Swap6
Cloze Test6
Sentence Rearrangement3

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning

According to the candidates who appeared in the SBI PO Prelims 2nd shift exam, the reasoning ability section was Moderate. There was a total of 35 questions in the SBI PO 2023 from the Reasoning section. The details on the Reasoning section are given below.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Day Based Puzzle (6 Days + Variable- Sports)5
Box Based Puzzle5
Parallel Row Seating Arrangement (12 Persons)5
Circular Seating Arrangement (6 Persons facing Inside + Variable)5
Chinese Coding Decoding5
Blood Relation3
Pair Formation1
Word Formation1
Word Based (Vowel/Consonant)1

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section consisted of 35 questions with a sectional time duration of 20 minutes.  Here are the details on Quantitative Aptitude as asked in the 2nd Shift of 1 November 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Wrong Number Series5
Quantity Comparison (Q1 and Q2)3
Pie Chart Data Interpretation5
Tabular Data Interpretation5

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Difficulty Level

As per feedback from our experts and students, the overall difficulty level of SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift was Moderate. Here’s a breakdown of the difficulty level for each section in the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023 for the 3rd shift. In the table below, you’ll find an overview of the difficulty level for each section individually.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Difficulty Level
SectionsDifficulty Level
Reasoning AbilityModerate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
English LanguageModerate

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Good Attempts

Candidates often wonder how many questions they should try to answer correctly in their exam. The number of good attempts depends on factors like the difficulty of the questions and how accurate you are. Here are the details on good attempts in the SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Good Attempts
SectionGood Attempts
Reasoning Ability23-26
Quantitative Aptitude20-22
English Language20-21

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023, 1 November, Shift 3: Sectional Analysis

The SBI PO Prelims exam consists of three sections: Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. We’ve provided a detailed analysis of each section to give candidates an understanding of what to expect. We understand that the type of questions asked can make upcoming candidates a bit anxious. Here’s the section-wise analysis of the SBI PO 2023 exam as conducted in the 3rd shift of 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language

In the SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift, the English Language section had 30 questions. Candidates generally found this section to be moderately challenging. To provide you with a clearer picture, we’ve created a table below that lists some of the questions from today’s SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: English Language
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Reading Comprehension9
Error Detection4
Word Swap5
Para Jumble5
Cloze Test4
Column Based3

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability

According to the candidates who appeared in the SBI PO Prelims 3rd shift exam, the reasoning ability section was Moderate. There were 35 questions in the SBI PO 2023 from the Reasoning section. Here are the details on the reasoning section for the 3rd Section.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Reasoning Ability
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Linear Row Seating Arrangement (6 Persons + Variable)5
Circular Seating Arrangement5
Month Based Puzzle5
Box Based Puzzle (6 Boxes + Variable- Colours)5
Blood Relation3
Pair Formation1
Meaningful word1
Number Based1

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section consisted of 35 questions with a sectional time duration of 20 minutes. Here are the details on Quantitative Aptitude as asked in the 3rd Shift of 1 November 2023.

SBI PO Exam Analysis 2023: Quantitative Aptitude
TopicsNo. Of Questions
Missing Number Series5
Tabular Data Interpretation6
Double Pie Chart Data Interpretation6
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