A glimpse of the difficulty level of the exam, questions asked, and the number of good attempts discussed through SSC CGL Exam Analysis of Shift 2 held on 11th April 2022.

SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2022, 11 April Shift 2 Exam
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2022: The candidates can check the exam review of each subject of the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam. There are four sections in the exam, namely General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension. Based on the memory of the students, and data collected by our students, we are providing you with the section analysis of SSC CGL Tier 1 2022. We have updated the complete SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2022 in this article based on the feedback from the candidates. Please go through the tables below to know the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam analysis & review for each subject in Shift-2 SSC CGL 2022.
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April 2022- Good Attempts
As per the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Analysis 2022 11th April Shift 2 conducted, the overall difficulty level of the SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam was Easy to Moderate with 68-76 good attempts. Below we have discussed the section-wise & overall good attempts for easy understandability.
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April 2022 Shift 1 | Click Here |
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April 2022 Shift 3 | Click Here |
Sections | No. of Questions | Difficulty Level | Good Attempts |
General Intelligence and Reasoning | 25 | Easy to Moderate | 19-21 |
General Awareness | 25 | Moderate | 15-17 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 25 | Easy to Moderate | 18-20 |
English Comprehension | 25 | Moderate | 17-18 |
Total | 100 | 69-76 |
SSC CHSL Exam Analysis 2022- 11th April, 2nd Shift
Candidates can check the exam review of each subject including English, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness from the below section. The SSC CGL Exam analysis 2022 is prepared after taking inputs from the students from the exam center directly.
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April-Quantitative Aptitude
Candidates can check the number of questions asked on each topic and the level of questions for these questions. The students have reviewed that the questions based on calculations were very less and comparatively easy to moderate level.
A takes 16 days, B 12 days, Both work 4 days, A left, How much time does B take to complete the work alone?
Section | Questions | Difficulty Level |
Data Interpretation | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
Time & Work | 2 | Easy |
Pipe & Cistern | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Geometry | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
Mensuration | 3 | Easy |
Profit & Loss | 2 | Easy |
Successive Discount | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Simplification | 1 | Easy |
Train | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Ratio | 2 | Easy |
Number System | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Average | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Percentage | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Algebra | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
SI & CI | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Miscellaneous | 2 | Moderate |
Total Questions | 25 | Moderate |
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April- English
The questions asked in the English Section are easy and we have discussed some questions included in the exam.
- Error- Preposition: Do you recall to meet at a party?
- Vocab- Taciturn
- PQRS type- 2 questions
Topics | No. Of Questions asked | Level Of Exam |
Fill in the Blanks | 2 | Easy |
Sentence Improvement | 2 | Easy-moderate |
Error Detection | 2 | Easy-moderate |
Sentence Rearrangement | 2 | Easy |
Idioms and Phrases | 2 | Easy |
Synonyms | 2 | Easy |
Antonyms | 2 | Easy |
Active Passive | 1 | Easy |
Narration | 1 | Easy |
One Word | 2 | Easy |
Spelling Correction | 2 | Easy |
Cloze test | 5 | Easy |
Total Questions | 25 | Easy |
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April- Reasoning
The Exam Analysis for the General Intelligence/ Reasoning section was of Easy to Moderate level for the Shift-2 11th April of SSC CGL Exam 2022. Missing Number Series question was box-based.
Topics | No. Of Questions asked | Level Of Exam |
Analogy | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
Odd One Out | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
Number Series | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
Statement & Conclusions | 1 | Easy |
Directions | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Sequence (Acc. to Dictionary) | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Water Image | 1 | Easy |
Coding-Decoding | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
Mathematical Operations | 2-3 | Easy-Moderate |
Seating Arrangement | 1 | Easy |
Blood Relation | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Mirror Image | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Venn Diagram | 1 | Easy |
Paper Folding Image | 1 | Easy |
Missing Term | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
Cube | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Hidden Figure | 1 | Easy |
Counting Figure [Rectangle] | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Complete Figure | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Total Questions | 25 | Easy-Moderate |
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 11 April-General Awareness
The questions from the General Awareness section were Easy to moderate. A few of the questions as reviews by students have been discussed below-
- Current Chief Justice of India- N. V. Ramana
- PM Asha Scheme related question
- Where is Musi River? Hyderabad
- One question from the 1931 Indian National Congress Meeting in Karachi.
- World heritage day theme 2022
- Who is the author of Poverty and Un British Rule in India?
- Election Commission of India Operates under which article of the Indian constitution?
- One Question related to Sports Personality
- Kalinga Award is associated with which state? Odisha
- NIP Stands for national infrastructure pipeline.
- One question on the Income tax slab
- What do we call the process of cleaning the water?
- Vehicle motors will tear due to the presence of which element?
- What is the chemical name of CH3CH2OH?
- One question on the festival held in Kerala.
- What is bad soil?
- अथर्ववेद में कितने मंडल हैं – 20 मंडल
- 2011 की जनसंख्या के अनुसार ग्रामीण में बच्चों की जनसंख्या प्रतिशत कितना था – 13 फीसदी
- सुनील छेत्री 2021-22 में ISL किस क्लब से खेले थे – बेंगलुरू एफसी
- 1931 में गांधी जी के जेल से छूटने पर कांग्रेस का कौन सा अधिवेशन हुआ था – कांग्रेस कराची अधिवेशन
- NIP full form in economics – National Infrastructure Pipeline
- अप्रैल 2021 में भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश कौन थे – शरद अरविंद बोबडे ( 47 )
- भारत के चुनाव आयोग किस अनुच्छेद में है – अनुच्छेद 324
- आर्सेनिक का Symbol क्या होता है – As
- Poverty and unBritish rule in India के लेखक कौन है – दारा भाई नौरोजी
- World Heritage Day 2021 की थीम क्या थी – Complex Pasts Diverse Futures
- पद्म अवार्ड समीति का अध्यक्ष कौन है – भारत के उपराष्ट्रपति
- कलिंग पुरस्कार किस राज्य से संबंधित है – उड़ीसा
- CH3CH2OH का रासायनिक नाम क्या होता है – Ethanol
- पानी को साफ करने की प्रक्रिया को हम क्या कहते हैं – क्लोरीनेशन
- खराब मृदा क्या है?
- मुसी नदी किस नदी की सहायक नदी है– कृष्णा
- 13 वी से 14 वी शताब्दी में मछलियों के व्यापार के लिए कौन सा बंदरगाह इस्तेमाल किया जाता था?
- पेट्रोल में किस तत्व की उपस्थिति के कारण जंग लगने का आसार ज्यादा हो जाता है ?
- एक प्रश्न पीएम आशा योजना से संबंधित
- केरल में आयोजित उत्सव पर एक प्रश्न
TopicsCurrent AffairsTopics | No. Of Questions asked | Level Of Exam |
History | 3 | Easy-Moderate |
Polity | 2 | Easy |
Geography | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
Economics | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Static Awareness | 2 | Easy-Moderate |
Biology | 3 | Easy |
Chemistry | 4 | Easy-Moderate |
Physics | 1 | Easy-Moderate |
Computer | – | – |
Current Affairs | 7 | Easy |
Total Questions | 25 | Easy-Moderate |
SSC CGL Exam Analysis 2022: FAQs
Q 1. What are the Good Attempts for SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam on 11th April?
Ans. The average number of good attempts can be considered from 69-76?.
Q 2. Which section was difficult?
Ans. General Awareness section was easy to moderate, the Reasoning Section was easy to moderate, the English section was easy, and the Quantitative Aptitude section was easy to moderate level
Q 3. How many sections are there for CGL Tier 1 2022?
Ans. There are 4 sections in SSC CGL Tier 1 2022 i.e English Language, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness.
Q4. How many current affairs questions are asked in the 2nd shift?
Ans. In the shift of the 11 April 2022 SSC CGL exam, 7-8 questions asked in the general awareness section and the level of current affairs was considered as moderate level.