SSC GD Exam Analysis 2021: The SSC GD Constable was held on 25 November 2021 Shift 2 Conducted by the staff selection commission. So, here we bring to you the detailed SSC GD Exam Analysis 2021, with the help of the Examzy Expert team. SSC GD Exam Analysis 2021 has also been provided in the article below.
![SSC GD Exam Analysis 25 Nov 2021 [Shift 2], SSC GD Answer key 1 SSC GD 2021 Exam Analysis: Check difficulty level, number of good attempts here | Education News](,h-900)
SSC GD Exam Analysis 2021, 25th November, Shift-2 :
The SSC GD Constable Exam Analysis is very detailed as it contains the SSC GD Exam Review, Exam Pattern, Exam Analysis, Overall good attempts, and the difficulty level of the SSC GD Exam 2021.
SSC GD Exam Analysis 2nd Shift: SSC GD Exam is being conducted by the Staff Selection Commission of India to recruit candidates for the General Duty post of Constables (GD) in BSF, CISF, ITBP, CRPF, and Rifleman in AR. Staff Selection Commission will be conducting SSC GD Exam 2021 in 3 shifts. In this article, we are providing you the SSC GD Exam Analysis for the First Shift which is been conducted today i.e. 18th November 2021. All the three-shift analysis has been taken and provided to you. According to the 3 shifts conducted by SSC today the level of the examination was easy-moderate. The SSC GD exam is scheduled to be held from 16th November 2021 to 15th December 2021.
SSC GD Exam Analysis 25 Nov 2021 [Shift 1] | Click Here |
SSC GD Exam Analysis 25 Nov 2021 [Shift 3] | Click Here |
In this article, we are providing you with a detailed analysis of the SSC GD Previous Year exam. This will help the candidates to get an idea about this year’s paper pattern and exam analysis. The candidates who will be appearing for the next shifts must go through this and get the proper knowledge of questions asked in the exam.
SSC GD Constable Exam Analysis 2021, Exam Pattern
Parts | Name of Disciplines | Questions | Marks | Duration |
Part-A | General Intelligence and reasoning | 25 | 25 | |
Part-B | General Awareness and General Knowledge | 25 | 25 | 90 Minutes |
Part-C | Elementary Mathematics | 25 | 25 | |
Part-D | English/Hindi | 25 | 25 | |
Total | 100 | 100 |
General Awareness and General Knowledge
This is the most scoring topic in less time as candidates no need to do any calculation or anything, The questions asked are based on General knowledge and general awareness. The below table will give an idea about the questions asked in the SSC GD examination.
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Q. When can I check the SSC GD Exam Analysis 2021 for 25th November, Shift- 2?
Ans. The candidates can check the SSC GD Exam Analysis for 25th November shift 2 by 01:00 PM.
Q. What was the SSC GD Exam 2021 Difficulty level for shift 2?
Ans. SSC GD Exam 2021 was easy to moderate for 25th Nov Shift 2.
Q. What were the overall good attempts in SSC GD Exam 2021?
Ans. The SSC GD overall good attempts are 72 – 78
Q. How many questions will be asked in total in the SSC GD Constable exam?
Ans. There will be a total of 100 questions asked in the SSC GD Constable Exam 2021.
Q. Do we have any negative marking in the SSC GD Constable exam 2021?
Ans. Yes, there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks in SSC gd constable exam 2021.