राज्य, राजधानी, राज्यपाल व मुख्यमंत्री (State, Capital, Governor and Chief Minister)
भारत के सभी राज्यों (States) की राजधानी (Capital) राज्य के राज्यपाल (Governor) व मुख्यमंत्रीयों (Chief Minister) की लिस्ट यहाँ पर उपलब्ध है, जो विभिन्न परिक्षाओं के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है –
हम इस पेज पर देश के सभी राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री एवं राज्यपाल की सूची प्रदान कर रहें हैं जिससे आप एक ही जगह पर आसानी से सभी राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री (chief minister) का नाम एवं उस राज्य के लिए नियुक्त किये गए राज्यपाल (governor) का नाम जान सकते हैं। नीचे दी गयी टेबल में पहले 28 पूर्ण राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री और राज्यपाल एवं अंतिम 2 केंद्रशासित राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्रियों के नाम दिए गए हैं।

All State CM And Governor List In Hindi 2023 -:
क्र. | भारत के राज्य | राजधानी | मुख्यमंत्री | राज्यपाल |
1. | आंध्र प्रदेश | हैदराबाद (प्रस्तावित – अमरावती ) | श्री वाईएस जगन मोहन रेड्डी | श्री एस अब्दुल नजीर |
2. | अरूणाचल प्रदेश | ईटानगर | श्री पेमा खांडू | श्री कैवल्य त्रिविक्रम परनाइक (KT परनाइक) |
3. | असम | दिसपुर | श्री हिमंत बिस्वा सरमा | श्री गुलाब चंद कटारिया |
4. | बिहार | पटना | श्री नीतीश कुमार | श्री राजेंद्र विश्वनाथ अर्लेकर |
5. | छत्तीसगढ़ | रायपुर | श्री भूपेश बघेल | श्री बिस्वा भुषण हरिचंदन |
6. | गोवा | पणजी | श्री प्रमोद सावंत | श्री पी.एस. श्रीधरन पिल्लई |
7. | गुजरात | गांधीनगर | श्री भूपेंद्र पटेल | श्री आचार्य देव व्रत |
8. | हरियाणा | चंडीगढ़ | श्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर | श्री बंडारू दत्तात्रेय |
9. | हिमाचल प्रदेश | शिमला | श्री सुखविंदर सिंह सुक्खू (New) | श्री शिव प्रताप शुक्ल |
10. | झारखंड | रांची | श्री हेमंत सोरेन | श्री सीपी राधाकृष्णन |
11. | कर्नाटक | बेंगलुरू | श्री बसवराज बोम्मई | श्री थावरचंद गहलोत |
12. | केरल | तिरुवनंतपुरम | श्री पिनाराई विजयन | श्री आरिफ मोहम्मद खान |
13. | मध्य प्रदेश | भोपाल | श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान | श्री मंगूभाई छगनभाई पटेल |
14. | महाराष्ट्र | मुम्बई | श्री एकनाथ शिंदे (New) | श्री रमेश बैस (New) |
15. | मणिपुर | इम्फाल | श्री एन बीरेन सिंह | सुश्री अनुसुइया उइके |
16. | मेघालय | शिलांग | श्री कोनराड संगमा | श्री फागू चौहान |
17. | मिज़ोरम | आइजोल | श्री पीयू जोरामथांगा | डॉ. कंभमपति हरिबाबू |
18. | नागालैंड | कोहिमा | श्री नेफ्यू रियो | श्री ला गणेशन |
19. | ओडिशा | भुवनेश्वर | श्री नवीन पटनायक | प्रोफेसर गणेशी लाल |
20. | पंजाब | चंडीगढ़ | श्री भगवंत मान | श्री बनवारी लाल पुरोहित |
21. | राजस्थान | जयपुर | श्री अशोक गहलोत | श्री कलराज मिश्र |
22. | सिक्किम | गंगटोक | श्री प्रेम सिंह तमांग ( पीएस गोले ) | श्री लक्ष्मण प्रसाद आचार्य |
23. | तमिलनाडु | चेन्नई | श्री एम. के. स्टालिन | श्री आर. एन. रवि |
24. | तेलंगाना | हैदराबाद | श्री के.चंद्रशेखर राव | डॉ. तमिलिसाई सौंदराराजन |
25. | त्रिपुरा | अगरतला | श्री माणिक साहा | श्री सत्यदेव नारायण आर्य |
26. | उत्तर प्रदेश | लखनऊ | श्री योगी आदित्यनाथ | श्रीमती आनंदीबेन पटेल |
27. | उत्तराखंड | देहरादून (शीतकालीन) गैरसैंण (ग्रीष्म कालीन ) | श्री पुष्कर सिंह धामी | लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल गुरमीत सिंह |
28. | पश्चिमी बंगाल | कोलकाता | सुश्री ममता बनर्जी | डॉ. सीवी आनंद बोस (New) |
दिल्ली ( राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र ) | श्री अरविंद केजरीवाल | |||
पुडुचेरी | श्री एन. रंगास्वामी |
केंद्र शासित प्रदेश
केंद्र शासित प्रदेश में मुख्यमंत्री पद के चुनाव नहीं कराये जाते हैं और न ही राज्यपाल को नियुक्त किया जाता है। राज्य की देखरेख के लिए देश के राष्ट्रपति उस राज्य में उपराज्यपाल या सरकारी प्रशासक को नियुक्त करता है। केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों के उपराज्यपाल/ सरकारी प्रशासक की सूची आप नीचे से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों के उपराज्यपाल एवं प्रशासक
क्र. | केंद्र शासित प्रदेश | उपराज्यपाल एवं प्रशासक |
1. | अंडमान और निकोबार द्वीप | एडमिरल देवेंद्र कुमार जोशी (डी के जोशी) (उपराज्यपाल) |
2. | चंडीगढ़ | श्री बनवारी लाल पुरोहित (प्रशासक) |
3. | दादरा और नगर हवेली एवं दमन और दीव | श्री प्रफुल्ल पटेल (प्रशासक) |
4. | दिल्ली (राष्ट्रीय राजधानी क्षेत्र) | श्री विनय कुमार सक्सेना (उपराज्यपाल) |
5. | जम्मू और कश्मीर | श्री मनोज सिन्हा (उपराज्यपाल) |
6. | लक्षद्वीप | श्री प्रफुल्ल पटेल (प्रशासक) |
7. | पुडुचेरी | डॉ तमिलिसाई सौंदराराजन (अतिरिक्त प्रभार) (उपराज्यपाल) |
8. | लद्दाख | ब्रिगेडियर बीडी मिश्रा (उपराज्यपाल) |
नोट – आपको बता दें कि सभी राज्यों के मुख्यमंत्री, राज्यपाल, उपराज्यपाल एवं प्रशासक वर्तमान स्थिति के अनुसार हैं, किसी भी प्रकार का परिवर्तन होने पर इस पेज के All States CM and Governor List in Hindi 2023 पोस्ट को अपडेट कर दिया जायेगा।
All State CM and Governor list 2023 PDF Download
The Chief Minister of a state has a wide variety of responsibilities with respect to the state. A CM is the leader of the state’s MLAs. Have a look at the complete state-wise list of chief ministers and governors of all Indian states as of 2023. Learning the complete list of State Chief Minister and Governor would be a bonus for the aspirants to boost their preparation level.
S.No | State | Capital | Chief Minister 2023 | Governor 2023 |
1 | Andhra Pradesh | Hyderabad | Shri YS Jagan Mohan Reddy | S. Abdul Nazeer, |
2 | Arunachal Pradesh | Itanagar | Shri Pema Khandu | Lt. General Kaiwalya Trivikram Parnaik (Retired) |
3 | Assam | Dispur | Sri Himanta Biswa Sarma | Gulab Chand Kataria, |
4 | Bihar | Patna | Shri Nitish Kumar | Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar |
5 | Chhattisgarh | Raipur | Shri Bhupesh Baghel | Justice (Retd) Biswa Bhusan Harichandan |
6 | Goa | Panaji | Shri Pramod Sawant | Shri P.S. Sreedharan Pillai |
7 | Gujarat | Gandhi Nagar | Shri Bhupendrabhai Patel | Shri Acharya Dev Vrat |
8 | Haryana | Chandigarh | Shri Manohar Lal Khattar | Shri Bandaru Dattatraya |
9 | Himachal Pradesh | Shimla | Shri Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu (New) | Shiv Pratap Shukla |
10 | Jharkhand | Ranchi | Shri Hemant Soren | C P Radhakrishnan |
11 | Karnataka | Banglore | Siddaramaiah Deputy Chief Minister – DK Shivakumar | Thawar Chand Gehlot |
12 | Kerala | Thiruvananthapuram | Shri Pinarayi Vijayan | Shri Arif Mohammed Khan |
13 | Madhya Pradesh | Bhopal | Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan | Shri Mangubhai Chhaganbhai Patel |
14 | Maharashtra | Mumbai | Shri Eknath Shinde (New) | Ramesh Bais (New) |
15 | Manipur | Imphal | Shri N. Biren Singh | Anusuiya Uikye |
16 | Meghalaya | Shillong | Shri Conrad Kongkal Sangma | Phagu Chauhan |
17 | Mizoram | Aizawl | Shri Zoramthanga | Shri Hari Babu Kambhampati |
18 | Nagaland | Kohima | Shri Neiphiu Rio | La. Ganesan |
19 | Odisha | Bhubaneswar | Shri Naveen Patnaik | Prof. Ganeshi Lal |
20 | Punjab | Chandigarh | Bhagwant Mann | Shri Banwarilal Purohit |
21 | Rajasthan | Jaipur | Shri Ashok Gehlot | Shri Kalraj Mishra |
22 | Sikkim | Gangtok | Shri PS Golay | Lakshman Prasad Acharya, |
23 | Tamil Nadu | Chennai | Shri M. K. Stalin | Shri R. N. Ravi |
24 | Telangana | Hyderabad | Shri K Chandrasekhar Rao | Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan |
25 | Tripura | Agartala | Manik Saha | Shri Satyadev Narayan Arya |
26 | Uttar Pradesh | Lucknow | Shri Yogi Aditya Nath | Smt. Anandiben Patel |
27 | Uttarakhand | Dehradun | Pushkar Singh Dhami | Lt. Gen. Gurmit Singh |
28 | West Bengal | Kolkata | Km. Mamata Banerjee | Dr CV Ananda Bose (New) |
Chief Minister and Governor List 2023 (Union Territory)
Sr No | Union Territory | Governor |
1 | Andaman & Nicobar | Shri. Devendra Kumar Joshi (Lieutenant Governor) |
2 | Chandigarh | Shri Banwarilal Purohit (31st August 2021)(Additional Charge) |
3 | Dadra and Nagar Haveli | Shri Praful Patel (Administrator) |
4 | Daman and Diu | Shri Praful Patel (Administrator) |
5 | Delhi | Shri Vinai Kumar Saxena (Lieutenant Governor) Chief Minister: Arvind Kejriwal |
6 | Jammu and Kashmir | Shri Manoj Sinha (Lieutenant Governor) |
7 | Lakshadweep | Shri Praful Patel (Administrator) |
8 | Puducherry | Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan (Lieutenant Governor) Chief Minister: N. Rangaswamy |
9 | Ladakh | Brig (Dr) B D Mishra (Retd) |
Selection and Powers of Governor in India
The governor in India is appointed by the president. The central government is responsible for the nomination of the government for each state. There is no indirect or direct election for the appointment of governor unlike the elections for president. The office of a governor is an independent constitutional office the governor doesn’t serve the union government.
The governor only needs to meet two qualifications one he should be an Indian citizen and the other he should be 35 years old or more. There are two conventions that the government follows to nominate a governor that is the person who is going to be appointed as the governor must not belong to the state, he shall be an outsider with having no relations with the state. The other one is the consultation of the chief minister is taken before the appointment of a governor by the president. He is the executive head of the state he is appointed to. All the executive actions that are performed in the state are in the name of the governor.
Important Questions and Answers regarding All State CM and Governor list 2023
1. Oldest Chief minister by age, serving any state in India?
Answer: Captain Amarinder Singh
• 15th and current Chief Minister of Punjab.
• Constituency – Patiala
2. Who was the longest-serving female chief minister of India?
Answer: Sheila Dikshit
• She served as the chief minister of the National Capital Territory of Delhi.
3. Youngest chief minister by age, serving any state in India?
Answer: Pema Khandu, Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh
4. Top 4 Longest-serving Indian chief ministers.
♦ 1. Pawan Kumar Chamling – Sikkim – 24 years
♦ 2. Jyoti Basu – West Bengal – 23 years
♦ 3. Gegong Apang – Arunachal Pradesh – 22 years
♦ 4. Naveen Patnaik – Odisha – 21 years
5. Chief minister with the longest incumbency?
Answer: Naveen Patnaik – Odisha – 21 years
6. First woman Chief Minister of India?
Answer: Sucheta Kripalani – CM of Uttar Pradesh
7. First Chief Minister of India?
Answer: Govind Ballabh Pant – CM of Uttar Pradesh
8. Youngest chief minister of any Union Territory of India?
Answer: M. O. Hasan Farook Maricar
• Youngest CM of – Pondicherry (Now Puducherry)
9. Youngest chief minister of any Union Territory as well as any states of India?
Answer: M. O. Hasan Farook Maricar
• Youngest CM of – Pondicherry (Now Puducherry)
10. The first Muslim woman to become the Chief Minister of any state of India?
Answer: Anwara Taimur
• Chief Minister of Assam (1980 to June 30, 1981)
11. The only woman Chief Minister to have remained in office for a short tenure of 23 days is?
Answer: Janaki Ramachandran
• Political Party – AIADMK
• State – Tamil Nadu
12. Who is the only incumbent female chief minister in India?
Answer: Mamata Banerjee
• Chief minister of West Bengal
• Political party – All India Trinamool Congress (AITC)
13. First female chief minister to die in the office?
Answer: J. Jayalalithaa
• Political Party – AIADMK
• State – Tamil Nadu
14. Who was India’s 18th and Goa’s second chief minister to die in office>?
Answer: Manohar Parrikar
15. Who was the first Dalit Chief Minister of any Indian state?
Answer: Mayawati
• Political Party – Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP)
• State – Uttar Pradesh
Important Articles related to Chief ministers of India
Article-No | Subject Matter |
163 | Council of Ministers to aid and advise the Governor |
166 | Conduct of business of the Government of a State |
167 | Duties of the Chief Minister respect the furnishing of information to the Governor, etc. |
Important Articles related to Governors of India
Article-No | Subject Matter |
153 | Governors of states |
155 | Appointment of Governor |
156 | Term of office of Governor |
157 | Qualifications for appointment as Governor |
159 | Oath or affirmation by the Governor |
161 | Power of the Governor to grant pardons and others |
163 | Council of Ministers to aid and advise the Governor |
213 | Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances |