HPSC ADO Answer Key 16 Oct 2022 | HPSC ADO Answer Key

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Q41. Which one of the following is not a mode of action of biocontrol agents?
[A] Antibiosis
[B] RNA interference
[C] Competition
[D] Lysis

Q42. Which agenda of SDGs of UN addresses zero hunger?
[A] 07
[B] 17
[C] 11
[D] 02

Q43. Blitecast’ is a forecasting model for
[A] late blight of potato
[B] turcicum corn blight
[C] blister blight of tea
[D] bacterial blight of rice

Q44. Transfer of agricultural technologies to the farmers is done by _ KVKs located in _ zones of the country.
[A] 711 and 08
[B] 675 and 09
[C] 722 and 11
[D] 702 and 70

Q45. Science dealing with the outbreak and spread of disease in a population is called as
[A] Epidemiology
[B] Pathology
[C] Etiology
[D] None of the above

Q46. CIBRC is responsible for registration of
[A] insecticides
[B] fungicides
[C] bio-pesticides
[D] All of the above

Q47. World of hunger malnutrition is who’s vision?
[D] None of the above

Q48. Which is the most widespread form of malnutrition among preschool children in India?
[A] Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM)
[B] Iodine deficiency
[C] Vitamin A deficiency
[D] Iron deficiency anaemia

Q49. Which of the following is an example of electroneutral pump?
[A] Ca+2-ATPase
[B] H+/K+-ATPase
[C] H+-PPase
[D] H+-ATPase

Q50. A drought year as a whole is defined by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)as a year in which, the overall more than as rainfall deficiency is 10 percent of
[A] seasonal period average value
[B] half yearly average value
[C] short period average value
[D] long period average value

Q51. H+-ATPases of plasma membrane and tonoplast are
[A] different
[B] not known
[C] same
[D] None of the above

Q52. Oceanic Nino Index corresponding to El Nino period is
[A] greater or equal to 5°C
[B] greater or equal to -5°C
[C] greater or equal to 0.5°C
[D] greater or equal to -0.5*°C

Q53. Phytosiderophores have high affinity to
[A] Fe+2
[B] Fe+3
[C] Both [A] and [B]
[D] None of the above

Q54. In which wavelength range, the greenhouse gases absorb energy?
[A] 100 to 500 μm
[B] 400 to 700 nm
[C] 0.3 to 3 um
[D] 5 to 100 μm

Q55. Chlorophyll is formed from proto-chlorophyll in light. The proto-chlorophyll lacks two hydrogen atoms one each at _ and carbon of __ ring.
[A] 8th, 9th, IV
[B] 7th, 8th, I
[C] 8th, 9th, I
[D] 7th, 8th, IV

Q56. Tensiometer is suitable for which type of soil?
[A] Loamy soil in
[B] Laterite soil
[C] Clay soil
[D] Sandy soil

Q57. NADP-Me type C4 pathway is found in
[A] Atriplex and Amaranthus
[B] Portulaca
[C] sugarcane and maize
[D] Panicum maximum

Q58. Parthenium hysterophorus is
[A] C3 and C4 plants
[B] CAM plant
[C] C3 plant
[D] C4 plant

Q59. Inulin is a polymer of
[A] pentose
[B] galactose
[C] glucose
[D] fructose

Q60. What is the Water Use Efficiency (WUE) of rice if the grain yield is 6000 kg/hectare with evapotranspiration of 950 mm?
[A] 63.1 ha.mm
[B] 0.631 ha.mm
[C] 631 ha.mm
[D] 6.31 ha.mm

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