UPSC CDS Answer Key 2022 – English I CDS 1 2022 Answer Key

UPSC CDS English Answer Key 2022

संघ लोक सेवा आयोग (UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION) द्वारा आयोजित संयुक्त रक्षा सेवा परीक्षा (Combined Defence Services Examination CDS) की परीक्षा का आयोजन 10 April 2022 को किया गया। इस पोस्ट में आज हुए प्रश्नपत्र कि उत्तरकुंजी उपलब्ध है। UPSC CDS Answer Key 2022, UPSC CDS Answer Key 10 April 2022, CDS Answer Key 2022, Today CDS Paper Exam Analysis, CDS 1 2022 Answer Key, CDS 1 2022 Exam Analysis

UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION conducted the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDS) exam on 10 April 2022. In this post the answer key of today’s question paper is available.

CDS 1 2022 Answer Key – English – 10 April 2022

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Directions: In this section cach item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and the sixth sentences are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and mark your response accordingly on the Answer Sheet.

Q1. S1: Hunger and malnutrition are outcomes of food insecurity or the inability to access adequate food and nutrition. regard.
S6: It is most likely that India is going to miss the Millennium Development Goal in this
P: In 2001-03, every fifth Indian was found to be undernourished.
Q: The rate of decline in the proportion of the undernourished through the 1990s was much slower in comparison to the decline in poverty headcount ratio. R Hunger-related poverty remains one of the major deprivations in India.
S: In fact, the proportion of undernourished people remained stagnant at 21% in the second half of 1990s, and the number actually increased.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) RPQS
(b) RQPS
(c) SRPQ
(d) QPRS

S1: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) was established in 1975.
S6: These predictions have an effect on the Indian economy that belies any belief that the economy of our country is not solely dependent on agriculture and the rains that feed it.
P: The Meteorological Department is perhaps also burdened with the most critical form of soothsaying i.e., forecasting the monsoon.
Q: The Crop Yield Formation Unit of the department has developed statistical models using correlation and regression techniques.
R: The IMD issued the first operational long range forecast of seasonal south-west monsoon rainfall in India in 1986.
S It is the natural meteorological service and the principal agency in all matters related to meteorology.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) RSPQ
(b) SROP
(c) SQRP
(d) PQRS

Q3. S1: Let us posit two questions: one, what ails our parliamentary system?
S6: Given the current political scenario, it appears that India has yet to develop a strong parliamentary culture.
P: To search for an answer, we begin with Rudolfs observation that the parliamentary life has deteriorated in India.
Q: Two, how democratic is our democracy? R: For a system to survive, grow and prosper, it needs to be supported by a democratic political culture.
S: There is an organic connectivity between a parliamentary system and parliamentary democracy.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) QRPS
(b) SPRQ
(c) PQRS
(d) QPRS

Q4. S1: People of every country think very highly of themselves and consider their country the best or the greatest.
S6: We should accept whatever good we may find in other countries.
P: And discard what is bad.
Q: No country can be absolutely good, just as no man can be thoroughly good.
R: One must cultivate the ability to discern the good from the bad.
S: We have to keep what is good.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) QPRS
(b) SPQR
(c) QRSP
(d) PQRS

Q5. S1: Poverty is wrongly considered an evil.
S6: To abolish poverty would be to destroy the soil upon which mankind produces the virtues conducive to higher civilisation.
P Most of the great men on Earth are those who have sprung from the ranks of the poor.
Q: The home of poverty, free from care and social envy, is characterised by love and unity among its members.
R: The children of rich men are not so fortunate as those of poor men.
S The poor lead a happier life than the rich.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) QPRS
(b) SRQP
(c) SPQR
(d) QRPS

Q6. S1: ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ There is a lot of truth in this proverb.
S6: Games provide recreation for the pupils, and also make their bodies strong.
P: Then, they can go back to their books, refreshed.
Q: Games provide the best form of recreation in schools.
R: Unless pupils enjoy some sort of recreation, they become dull and their reading suffers as a consequence.
S: Pupils should play for an hour or two.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) RQSP
(b) PQRS
(c) PRSQ
(d) QPRS

Q7.S1: Sometimes we have to put up with something irksome or unpleasant.
S6: But we find ourselves getting accustomed to it in due course of time.
P: Suppose we shift into a house near a factory which keeps going all day.
Q: As time goes by, we are able to adapt ourselves to it so that it becomes a part of our life.
R: Thus, we can get used to anything.
S: At first, the noise of the machinery makes it impossible for us to sleep at night.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) QPSR
(b) PQRS
(c) QRPS
(d) SRQP

Q8. S1: A large city is the best school for studying life.
S6: Thus a city can teach us many aspects of life. EXAMS
P: If we live in a city for a year or two, we will be able to acquire a good knowledge of life.
Q: In a large city we encounter different types of persons.
R: The rich and the poor, the proud and the humble, the deceitful and the innocent, the rough and the gentle.
S: The various facets of life can be found reflected in a large city.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) PQSR
(b) SRPQ
(c) QPSR
(d) QRSP

Q9. S1: Great talkers are never great doers.
S6: Those who do nothing are usually the most talkative.
P: Rather they serve themselves and never the community.
Q: But when the time for action comes, they keep themselves away.
R: We come across people who are cloquent over great things.
S: Many who deliver wonderful speeches about their own greatness, do no valuable service to the country.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) PRSQ
(b) RQSP
(c) RSQP
(d) PQRS

Q10. S1: Leisure is perhaps as important as work.
S6: We should take care to make proper use of leisure.
P: And we feel very tired.
Q: Unless we have some break, we cannot carry on and our health may suffer.
R: Sometimes we work continuously.
S: After a little relaxation, we can work more energetically and efficiently.
The correct sequence should be:
(a) RQPS
(b) SRPQ
(c) QPSR
(d) RPQS


Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four words/group of words. Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response on the Answer Sheet accordingly.

Q11. Please use conversational language.
(a) formal
(b) complex
(c) dialogical
(d) informal

Q12. My neighbour is malicious.
(a) generous
(b) affectionate
(c) spiteful
(d) magnanimous

Q13. I was awe-inspired by his designation.
(a) position
(b) looks
(c) social status
(d) personality

Q14. Words of endearment always touch me.
(a) praise
(b) fondness
(c) conviction
(d) wisdom

Q15. We should follow patience and forbearance.
(a) constraint
(b) encouragement
(c) restraint
(d) support

Q16. His gibbous looks make him different from others.
(a) hunched
(b) smart
(c) charming
(d) disabled

Q17. She tormented me with her detached behaviour.
(a) threatened
(b) ignored
(c) cajoled
(d) distressed

Q18. Her peerless manners were noticed.
(a) lovable
(b) rowdy
(c) irrelevant
(d) unequalled

Q19. He studied mensuration carefully.
(a) measurement
(b) questions
(c) conclusions
(d) lessons

Q20. They smothered the fire in the building.
(a) lighted
(b) surrounded
(c) doused
(d) saw

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